Undergraduate Students
CSU Concurrent Enrollment
Participating schools: Any CSU campuses on space availability and based on HOME campus deadlines and HOST campus deadlines.
Minimum requirements for concurrent enrollment in a course or courses at another CSU campus:
- Must have completed 12 units at SFSU as a matriculated student with 2.0 GPA
- Must pay tuition and fees at home campus, SFSU except non-resident tuition & fees at host campus
- Must have Dept Chair and Registrar signatures at the home campus first to begin with the application process
- Must clear all holds
- Placeholder class added after fully approved Concurrent Enrollment application is received by the home campus
- Available for Fall and Spring semesters only. Winter, CPaGE and Summer are not eligible.
- Please see any additional policies stated on the form linked below.
- After the completion of course, student is required to provide an official transcript to our office to record the final grade.
Please complete this form and return it to the HOME campus first. Once approved it can be sent to the Host campus for approval:
CSU Application for Concurrent Enrollment
Forms can be submitted to the Registrar’s Office via the Gateway Registrar’s Office App or to records@sfsu.edu.
California Community College or University of California Cross Enrollment
Minimum requirements for cross enrollment in a course at a California Community College or the University of California:
- Only ONE course allowed
- Must be an undergraduate and a California resident for tuition purposes
- Must be at least part time tuition at home campus, SFSU
- Must have completed 12 units at SFSU as a matriculated student with 2.0 GPA
- Must have Registrar’s signature from SFSU first to begin with the application process
- Must clear all holds
- Must pay tuition and fees at HOME campus, SFSU
- F or J Visa is NOT eligible
- Placeholder class added after fully approved Cross Enrollment application is received by the home campus
- DO NOT use this form for CCSF (refer to Consortium) and UCB (refer to Cross Registration)
- Available for Fall and Spring semesters only. Winter, CPaGE and Summer are not eligible.
- Please see any additional policies stated on the form linked below.
- After the completion of course, student is required to provide an official transcript to our office to record the final grade.
Please complete this form and return it to the HOME campus first. Once approved it can be sent to the Host campus for approval:
CSU Application for Cross Enrollment
Forms can be submitted to the Registrar’s Office via the Gateway Registrar’s Office App or to records@sfsu.edu.
UC Berkeley Cross Registration
Minimum requirements for cross registration in a course at the University of California Berkeley:
- Must have FULL Time Enrollment in a program at HOME Campus as a matriculated student
- Only ONE course allowed (except Lecture/Lab combination) or ROTC
- Must have Faculty Advisor/Dept Chair and Registrar signatures at the home campus first to begin with the application process
- J1 or F1 okay if full time at SFSU
- Must pay tuition and fees at HOME campus, SFSU
- Must clear all holds
- Placeholder class added after fully approved Cross Registration application is received by the home campus
- Available for Fall and Spring semesters only. Winter, CPaGE and Summer are not eligible.
- Please see any additional policies stated on the form linked below.
- After the completion of course, UCB host campus will send an official transcript to our office to record the final grade.
Please complete this form and return it to the HOME campus first. Once approved it can be sent to the Host campus for approval:
Cross Registration Application
Forms can be submitted to the Registrar’s Office via the Gateway Registrar’s Office App or to records@sfsu.edu.
San Francisco Consortium Cross Registration
The San Francisco Consortium includes the following participating schools:
- California College of Podiatric Medicine
- City College of San Francisco
- Cogswell College
- Golden Gate University
- Hastings College of Law
- San Francisco State University
- University of California, San Francisco
- University of San Francisco
Minimum requirements for cross enrollment in a course at a Consortium school:
- Must have 2.0 GPA
- Must be enrolled full-time at SFSU
- Only one course allowed (unless a lecture/lab combination) or ROTC
- Exception for USF ROTC
- Must have Dept Chair and Registrar signatures at the home campus first to begin with the application process
- Must clear all holds
- Must pay tuition and fees at home campus, SFSU
- J1/F1 okay if full-time at SFSU
- Available for Fall and Spring semesters only. Winter, CPaGE and Summer are not eligible.
- Placeholder class added after fully approved Consortium application is received by the home campus
- Please see any additional policies stated on the form linked below.
- After the completion of course, USF and UCSF host campuses will send an official transcript to our office to record the final grade. The rest of the other campuses, student will need to provide an official transcript to our office to record the final grade.
Please complete this form and return it to the HOME campus first. Once approved it can be sent to the Host campus for approval:
Cross Registration Application
Forms can be submitted to the Registrar’s Office via the Gateway Registrar’s Office App or to records@sfsu.edu.
CSU Visitor Enrollment
Participating schools: Any CSU campuses on space availability and based on HOME and HOST deadlines.
Minimum requirements to enroll as a visitor at another CSU campus from SFSU:
- Must have 12 units completed at HOME campus, SFSU with 2.0 GPA
- Can enroll in one class or full time
- Must pay tuition and fees at HOST campus
- Must have Dept Chair and Registrar signatures at the home campus first to begin with the application process
- Must clear all holds
- F1 or J1 Visa is NOT eligible
- Available for Fall, Spring and Summer semesters only. Winter and CPaGE are not eligible.
- Please see any additional policies stated on the form linked below.
- After the completion of course, student is required to provide an official transcript to our office to record the final grade.
Please complete this form and return it to the HOME campus first. Once approved it can be sent to the Host campus for approval:
Application For Intrasystem Visitor Enrollment
Forms can be submitted to the Registrar’s Office via the Gateway Registrar’s Office App or to records@sfsu.edu.
CSU Fully Online & Coursematch
Please find complete information at CSU Fully Online & Coursematch:
CSU Fully Online & Coursematch
Cross-enrollment with out-of-state schools is not available.
Graduate Students
CSU Concurrent Enrollment
Participating schools: Any CSU campuses on space availability and based on HOME campus deadlines and HOST campus deadlines.
Minimum requirements for concurrent enrollment in a course or courses at another CSU campus:
- Must be classified in Master’s program with 3.0 GPA or Credential program with 2.5 GPA
- Must pay tuition and fees at home campus, SFSU except non-resident tuition & fees at host campus
- Must have Dept Chair and Registrar signatures at the home campus first to begin with the application process
- Must clear all holds
- Placeholder class added after fully approved Concurrent Enrollment application is received by the home campus
- Available for Fall and Spring semesters only. Winter, CPaGE and Summer are not eligible
- Please see any additional policies stated on the form linked below.
- After the completion of course, student is required to provide an official transcript to our office to record the final grade.
Please complete this form and return it to the HOME campus first. Once approved it can be sent to the Host campus for approval:
CSU Application for Concurrent Enrollment
Forms can be submitted to the Registrar’s Office via the Gateway Registrar’s Office App or to records@sfsu.edu.
UC Berkeley Cross Registration
Minimum requirements for cross registration in a course at the University of California Berkeley:
- Must have FULL Time Enrollment at HOME Campus as a matriculated student
- Must be classified in Master’s program with 3.0 GPA or Credential program with 2.5 GPA
- Only ONE course allowed (except Lecture/Lab combination) or ROTC
- Must have Faculty Advisor/Dept Chair and Registrar signatures at the home campus first to begin with the application process
- J1 or F1 okay if full time at SFSU
- Must pay tuition and fees at HOME campus, SFSU
- Must clear all holds
- Placeholder class added after fully approved Cross Registration application is received by the home campus
- Available for Fall and Spring semesters only. Winter, CPaGE and Summer are not eligible.
- Please see any additional policies stated on the form linked below.
- After the completion of course, UCB host campus will send an official transcript to our office to record the final grade.
Please complete this form and return it to the HOME campus first. Once approved it can be sent to the Host campus for approval:
Cross Registration Application
Forms can be submitted to the Registrar’s Office via the Gateway Registrar’s Office App or to records@sfsu.edu.
San Francisco Consortium Cross Registration
The San Francisco Consortium includes the following participating schools:
- California College of Podiatric Medicine
- City College of San Francisco
- Cogswell College
- Golden Gate University
- Hastings College of Law
- San Francisco State University
- University of California, San Francisco
- University of San Francisco
Minimum requirements for cross enrollment in a course at a Consortium school:
- Must be classified in Master’s program with 3.0 GPA or in Credential program with 2.5 GPA
- Must be enrolled in 9 units (full-time) at SFSU
- Only one course allowed
- Exception for USF ROTC
- Must have Dept Chair and Registrar signatures at the home campus first to begin with the application process
- Must clear all holds
- Must pay tuition and fees at home campus, SFSU
- J1/F1 okay if full-time at SFSU
- Available for Fall and Spring semesters only. Winter, CPaGE and Summer are not eligible.
- Placeholder class added after fully approved Consortium application is received by the home campus
- Please see any additional policies stated on the form linked below.
- After the completion of course, USF and UCSF host campuses will send an official transcript to our office to record the final grade. The rest of the other campuses, student will need to provide an official transcript to our office to record the final grade.
Please complete this form and return it to the HOME campus first. Once approved it can be sent to the Host campus for approval:
Cross Registration Application
Forms can be submitted to the Registrar’s Office via the Gateway Registrar’s Office App or to records@sfsu.edu.
CSU Visitor Enrollment
Participating schools: Any CSU campuses on space availability and based on HOME and HOST deadlines.
Minimum requirements to enroll as a visitor at another CSU campus from SFSU:
- Must have one term completed at HOME campus, SFSU
- Must be classified in Master’s program with 3.0 GPA or in Credential program with 2.5 GPA
- Can enroll in one class or full time
- Must pay tuition and fees at HOST campus
- Must have Dept Chair and Registrar signatures at the home campus first to begin with the application process
- Must clear all holds
- F1 or J1 Visa is NOT eligible
- Available for Fall, Spring and Summer semesters only. Winter and CPaGE are not eligible.
- Please see any additional policies stated on the form linked below.
- After the completion of course, student is required to provide an official transcript to our office to record the final grade.
Please complete this form and return it to the HOME campus first. Once approved it can be sent to the Host campus for approval:
Application For Intrasystem Visitor Enrollment
Forms can be submitted to the Registrar’s Office via the Gateway Registrar’s Office App or to records@sfsu.edu.
CSU Fully Online & Coursematch
Please find complete information at CSU Fully Online & Coursematch:
CSU Fully Online & Coursematch
Cross-enrollment with out-of-state schools is not available.